MCMS Art Students Work Selected for Art Shows!
Stop Motion Photography at MCMS
Winter Carnival Fun
MCMS Math Team Gets First Place!
Budget Statement
Good luck MCMS Math Team!
MLTI Student Conference
Fun in the Sun Day! Staff Adam Scarpone, Jorgeanne Barley, Kristen Levesque and Phyllis Cote dressed up for the day!
Kelsey Ross and Allie Thaller critiquing artwork at the Colby Art Museum
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Civil Rights Team: Book of the Month
MCMS’s First 100-Miler!
Malawi brochure
   Photo of mentor Craig Stevens with 7th grader Josh Hall
Photos: Top row- Teachers with “Santa,” 7th grader Brayden Crossen, 6th grader Joe Couture as a snowman, 8th grader Hannah McAdams, and 7th graders Carolyne & Mitchell Maceda Second row- Lunch A winners: Olivia Toye, Mrs. Frohmberg, Hali Isaacson & Alex Stewart and Ms. Jones. Lunch B winners: Mrs. Lord, Rocco Scott, Mrs. Davis and Lillian Toye Bottom row- our judges!
Maranacook Food Pantry Helps the Community This Holiday Season!
MCMS Yearbook Cover Competition
Wellness Win for December
family night of code
MCMS Students Featured in Kennebec Journal for Recycling Efforts